We Need You!

Church Family,

As we eagerly anticipate another summer filled with excitement, there's one event that's on everyone's mind (okay, at least it's on mine)—Vacation Bible School (VBS)! It's that wonderful time of the year when we gather for a week-long journey of faith, fun, and fellowship. On June 24th to 28th, from 9 AM to Noon, I'm inviting you to join me for this year's VBS: "Start the Party: Celebrate the good news!"

First off, a huge shoutout to those of you who've already jumped on board to volunteer this year. Your energy and dedication are the heartbeat of VBS, and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you. But guess what? We still need more helping hands to ensure this year's VBS knocks it out of the park.

Last year was phenomenal—we served a record number of kids, and the impact was immeasurable. But this year, we have an even bigger goal in mind: to almost double the number of children we reach. As I’m writing this blog post, we already have over 100 kids signed up in only 10 days. Imagine the lives we can touch, the hearts we can inspire, and the joy we can spread this summer. But to achieve this goal, we need YOU.

Now, I know I might sound like a broken record, but I cannot stress enough the importance of VBS. For many of the children in our community, this might be the only opportunity they have to hear about Jesus. It's a chance for us to share the gospel in a way that's engaging, interactive, and accessible to young hearts and minds. And let me share a testament to the power of VBS—last year, 9 kids said yes to Jesus! The faith of one of those children who said yes to Jesus led to her request to be baptized. She then had 12 other church members follow suit, along with several other reaffirmation baptisms. That's the kind of impact we're talking about! The faith of a child can move mountains!

But here’s the thing—you don’t need to volunteer for all five days. We'll take whatever time you can spare, whether it's one day, two days, or the whole week. Every moment counts, and trust me, there's something for everyone, even if you're not big on working directly with kids. We've got tech needs, snack prep, parent check-in—you name it, we've got a spot for you.

Last year's VBS brought growth, life, and excitement back to our campus, and this year will be no exception. So, if you're ready to join the party with a purpose, head over to navarre.church/vbs and sign up to volunteer or register your kiddos today. Space is limited, so don't miss out on this chance to make a lasting impact.

Thank you all for your unwavering support, and let's make VBS 2024 a celebration to remember!

God bless,



Church Math


Honoring God