Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

We Need You!

Church Family,

As we eagerly anticipate another summer filled with excitement, there's one event that's on everyone's mind (okay, at least it's on mine)—Vacation Bible School (VBS)! It's that wonderful time of the year when we gather for a week-long journey of faith, fun, and fellowship. On June 24th to 28th, from 9 AM to Noon, I'm inviting you to join me for this year's VBS: "Start the Party: Celebrate the good news!"

First off, a huge shoutout to those of you who've already jumped on board to volunteer this year. Your energy and dedication are the heartbeat of VBS, and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you. But guess what? We still need more helping hands to ensure this year's VBS knocks it out of the park.

Last year was phenomenal—we served a record number of kids, and the impact was immeasurable. But this year, we have an even bigger goal in mind: to almost double the number of children we reach. As I’m writing this blog post, we already have over 100 kids signed up in only 10 days. Imagine the lives we can touch, the hearts we can inspire, and the joy we can spread this summer. But to achieve this goal, we need YOU.

Now, I know I might sound like a broken record, but I cannot stress enough the importance of VBS. For many of the children in our community, this might be the only opportunity they have to hear about Jesus. It's a chance for us to share the gospel in a way that's engaging, interactive, and accessible to young hearts and minds. And let me share a testament to the power of VBS—last year, 9 kids said yes to Jesus! The faith of one of those children who said yes to Jesus led to her request to be baptized. She then had 12 other church members follow suit, along with several other reaffirmation baptisms. That's the kind of impact we're talking about! The faith of a child can move mountains!

But here’s the thing—you don’t need to volunteer for all five days. We'll take whatever time you can spare, whether it's one day, two days, or the whole week. Every moment counts, and trust me, there's something for everyone, even if you're not big on working directly with kids. We've got tech needs, snack prep, parent check-in—you name it, we've got a spot for you.

Last year's VBS brought growth, life, and excitement back to our campus, and this year will be no exception. So, if you're ready to join the party with a purpose, head over to and sign up to volunteer or register your kiddos today. Space is limited, so don't miss out on this chance to make a lasting impact.

Thank you all for your unwavering support, and let's make VBS 2024 a celebration to remember!

God bless,


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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

Lot's Wife

It’s a new year, and January is often the time when we have big hopes and aspirations for the year ahead. "I’m going to eat better, I’m going to exercise more," you know the drill. If you are still blazing ahead on your New Year’s resolution, good for you! I think it’s valuable for us to try and do better, and setting goals is a good way to do that and to hold ourselves accountable. It’s good for us to look back and review how things have gone so that we can improve and do better in the future. But what happens when we can’t stop looking back?

My family and I recently went on a trip around Christmas, and we had a long drive back home in the car. To kill the time, I scrolled through social media. With every scroll through my feed, I started to remark to my husband Chris about things that were going on with a former season of our lives. What was happening, who was doing what, can you believe that’s the direction things are going… you know, just thinking out loud. He then asked me why I still followed all those social media pages. That’s something I had never really given much thought to… why wouldn’t I want to know all the ins and outs of my former seasons of life? He then said, well, you don’t want to turn into Lot’s wife. I was a little miffed at the time with that remark. How was I going to turn into a pillar of salt for scrolling through Facebook… but as time passed, the drive, the days, and even the weeks after, I could not help but think about that comment. Do I truly have an unhealthy attachment to my past?

I started to see ads on my phone for books about “Don’t look back” and Bible studies about Lot’s wife. I kid you not. Maybe it was my phone listening in and eavesdropping, maybe the Lord was trying to tell me something; honestly, it was probably a little bit of both. So here we are, what can be learned about Lot’s wife as we move into 2024?

To give you some Biblical background, let’s head to Genesis 19. Abraham’s nephew, Lot, and his family lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. God had determined to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness. Two angels warned Lot to evacuate the city so he and his family would not be destroyed. The next morning the angels rushed Lot and his family out of the city, by the hand, before it was destroyed. They were instructed in Genesis 19:16-17 to “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!” As the city had burning sulfur rain down, Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. On the surface, this seems like an extremely harsh ending for someone taking a glance over their shoulder. But it was so much more than a glance. She not only looked, but she looked back longingly. “But Lot’s wife, from behind him, [foolishly, longingly] looked [back toward Sodom in an act of disobedience], and she became a pillar of salt.” Genesis 19:26. The very thing she was told not to do, she did. But why would she do that? Could it be that she was living her life as usual, everything was going great, and suddenly she must pack up and abandon everything? I don’t know how I would react in that scenario either. I can speak to the times when I’ve had to make a sudden change I wasn’t expecting- 2020, anyone? The seeming whiplash from abrupt changes have been difficult for me. I’m a creature of habit; I want to know when a turn is coming on life’s highway and want ample notice. But that’s not always how it works, is it?

Let’s skip ahead to the New Testament, to the book of Luke 17. Jesus is in the middle of giving a prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world, or an Eschatological Discourse if you want to get technical… and he mentions these words (that are easy to miss!); he says: “Remember Lot’s Wife” (Luke 17:32). If Jesus said it, you better believe it’s important.

Looking back didn’t go well for Lot’s wife, nor does it for us. It’s impossible for us to move forward when our feet are firmly planted in the past. We become stuck. It could be in a memory, a place, a time, a mindset – anything that is preventing us from moving forward in the direction that God has called us right now. Now, I personally love looking back at fond memories: my wedding, the birth of our children, our recent Disney Cruise. I love looking back to see how God has intervened for me in seemingly impossible situations, where he’s provided, where he’s protected. The problem is when we look back, longing to return to a place or a season that God has called us out of and moved us on from. There are seasons for everything, right? The author of Ecclesiastes tells us “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). How can I be effective for the season of NOW if my heart and mind are stuck in a place where I no longer reside - physically, emotionally, and spiritually? It’s easy to do, believe me. I didn’t realize the degree in which I found myself longingly looking back without even realizing it. If we are being honest, we don’t always recall things exactly as they were either. We can risk idealizing a distorted version of what really was. Longing to go back to something we are not even remembering correctly. Remember the Israelites wanting to return to Egypt? Could it be that I find myself not trusting God as I should? I know he is good, but do I not trust his plans for where he has me at this moment? This has been quite an eye-opening journey for me to begin a mental course correction. But thankfully, God has grace upon grace for me, and for you, during these times we veer off course.

It's important for me, for the church, for all of us to keep moving forward into the next season. What God is doing now - let’s not miss it. I think all of us have experienced change that has caught us off guard, even within our church. But how we keep moving forward is by keeping our eyes on Jesus. It’s how we stay on track and move in the correct direction. Have you ever ridden a bike? Have you ever tried to turn around and look back while doing so? You were likely met with wobbly tires while you quickly tried to balance yourself again. You move towards where you are looking!  Eyes forward, on Jesus, my friends! Psalm 123:1 tells us: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”

If you find yourself stuck, or offtrack, prayer and reflection can help provide clarity for those areas. Seeking support from friends, joining a small group, or opting for pastoral or Christian counseling are valuable steps toward moving forward. As we enter 2024, let's step out of the past and into the future, embracing new beginnings, new seasons, and new opportunities to radiate the life, light, and love of Christ to the world."

God bless, friends!


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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

Overflowing Gratitude

Overflowing Gratitude: Celebrating the Blessings of Family, Church, Community, and Each Other"

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, it becomes increasingly important for us to pause and reflect on the blessings that surround us, especially on this Thanksgiving Day. As followers of Christ, we are called to cultivate a heart of gratitude, recognizing the gifts that God has graciously bestowed upon us. Today, let's briefly remind ourselves of the amazing reasons we have to be thankful for our families, our church, our community, and each other.

Grateful for Our Families:

The family is a sacred institution established by God, providing a foundation for love, support, and growth. Every family is unique, special, and not without its own challenges at times. However, in the midst of our busy lives, it's crucial to express gratitude for the precious gift of family. Our families are the first communities we encounter, shaping our character and instilling values that guide us throughout life. As we gather around the dinner table, share moments of joy and laughter, or navigate challenges together, let us remember to give thanks for the blessing of family bonds that reflect God's unconditional love.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."

-Psalm 127:3 ESV

Thankful for Our Church:

Our church is more than a physical structure; it is a living, breathing community of believers united in faith. NUMC becomes a second family, a place where we worship, learn, and grow in our spiritual journeys together. Expressing gratitude for our church involves recognizing the diverse talents and gifts that each member brings to the body of Christ. Through fellowship, prayer, and service, we strengthen our connection with God and with one another. It is a beautiful place where everyone is welcome.

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them."

-Matthew 18:20 ESV

Appreciating Our Community:

Beyond the church walls, our local community serves as an extension of God's plan for us. It's a place where we can share the love of Christ through acts of kindness, compassion, and service. As we engage with our neighbors and contribute to the well-being of our community, we reflect the light of Christ. Let's be grateful for the opportunities to make a positive impact, demonstrating the transformative power of God's love beyond just our church walls. We have done so many wonderful things for the local community already. This year let’s seek to do even more to be the light, life, and love of Christ to our neighbors.

"Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others." -Philippians 2:4 ESV

Gratitude for Each Other:

In the tapestry of life, every individual plays a unique and essential role. I know I am forever grateful to all of you. It has been a joy and privilege getting to know more and more of you during my time here at NUMC. Today, let us appreciate the people God has placed in our lives—friends, mentors, and even those we encounter briefly. Each person contributes to the richness of our experiences and the depth of our understanding. By expressing gratitude for each other, we create an atmosphere of love and encouragement that mirrors God's intention for community. I am truly grateful for every one of you.

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

-Proverbs 17:17 ESV

As we reflect on the great blessings of our families, our church, our community, and each other, let us cultivate a heart of gratitude that overflows into our daily lives, especially today. In doing so, we honor God and bear witness to His love, creating a ripple effect that transforms the world around us. May our thankfulness be a testament to the goodness of our Heavenly Father, who richly blesses us in every season of life. Happy Thanksgiving, NUMC family!

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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

A Tribute To Hildreth Hall

There is a lot happening here at the church right now, with Hildreth Hall being one of the busiest areas. We have carpets being replaced, walls being painted, rooms being renovated, lights being changed, and a stage being brought back. This building holds countless memories. I know many of you have been here longer than I have, and I'm sure you have plenty of your own. I have fond memories of Wednesday night dinners with my family after work at the preschool. I also recall many preschool events held in Hildreth Hall. Even though my son Henry is about to start middle school, I still remember him at 4 years old, singing adorable songs on the stage and participating in a Mother's Day tea during the preschool program.

As I walked through the building with Lorraine Taylor this week, we shared a laugh as she reminisced about a particular wall being taken down, then put back up, and now being taken down again. Robert Trigg affectionately remembers the spot he stood in the back left corner of the building during the choir for so many years. Over the almost 40 years since its establishment, Hildreth Hall has welcomed countless individuals through its doors. If walls could speak! This week, I sat down with some of the trustees and staff to reflect on all the amazing experiences that have taken place within that building.

Hildreth Hall has served as the primary worship sanctuary and, after Hurricane Sally, as an alternate worship space. It has also been a home for Sunday school classes and small groups. The hall has hosted a plethora of events including Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, AA meetings, homeowner associations, church-wide Bible studies, Methodism 101 sessions, Bird Flu inoculation coordination, staff appreciation events, retirement parties, weddings, wedding receptions, funerals, baby showers, birthdays, Wednesday night dinners, Financial Peace University sessions, Emmaus reunion dinners, Gideon Bible distribution, sorting of school backpack distributions, early response teams for natural disasters, years of Vacation Bible School, a voting precinct, youth band practices, youth lock-ins, book fairs, chili cook-offs, breakfasts with Santa, Spring and Fall festivals, CPR training, active shooter training, Re-boot combat recovery sessions, a sorting station for "Feeding the Gulf Coast", thrift store Christmas parties, volunteer recognition parties, High School sports banquets, recreational league sports banquets, all-church government meetings, preparing pregame meals for the NHS football team, COVID response teams, choir and piano recitals, 30-hour famines, strategic planning weekends, hail and farewell events, tall and small ball gatherings, community craft fairs, Walk Through the Bible sessions, mission trip preparations and planning meetings, dinners with the disciples, the former staff offices and workroom, countless covered dish dinners, and numerous preschool events such as teas, lunches, parties, graduations, and Fitness Fridays.

Hildreth Hall has witnessed many changes within its walls, and it is safe to say that we haven't seen the last of them. However, amidst every paint color change, carpet replacement, and wallpaper installation and removal, one thing remains constant - the fellowship, community, laughter, and memories that have been created, and will continue to be created, within those walls for many years to come. As it transforms into an intentional space for kids and youth on Sunday mornings, it will still be cherished and utilized for all the incredible events yet to come. So, let's salute Hildreth Hall for its exceptional service to our church family!

Did we miss anything? Please comment if you remember anything special from Hildreth Hall that we forgot! 

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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

When You Hear The Words

     When you hear the words VBS, you may think about rooms full of screaming kids, glitter, crazy contests, and wild theme songs (none of which is inaccurate.) But if you give me a moment of your time, I'd love to reframe vacation bible school for you. Just in case you've missed the eNews updates, the Facebook updates, the in-church announcements, and the giant "CandyLand" decorated cart in the church lobby, our very own VBS is around the corner! In fact, by the time this blog post hits, it will only be 31 short days away. Many of you have signed up to donate items, and some of you have signed up to volunteer the week of June 19th through 23rd- and for that, I am so grateful. 
     This year, our list of kids filled up in record time. There was a big need within our church, and our community, for a safe and fun place for kids to go this summer. Kids have invited their family, friends, and even neighbors to join them this year. While some of these kids already come to NUMC, and others go to different churches in our area, there will be kids coming that do not know Jesus. We get the incredible opportunity to capture their attention for a few short hours and give them life-changing, and life-giving information. We get to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our entire theme for VBS this year is "knowing Jesus changes the game." Right in the middle of all the fun, chaos, and noise will be Jesus, (who is a big fan of kids by the way). This wide array of attendees will come together- different ages, different backgrounds, and different denominations, all united as the body of Christ. It's going to be beautiful, and I absolutely cannot wait. 
     Now, an event of this size and magnitude does not materialize on its own. It takes the love and time of our faithful volunteer base. VBS takes people showing up to help for it to be successful. This truly is a Kingdom event, and a Kingdom effort. My heart was touched to see volunteers signing up from other churches to help our VBS. Even pastors from other churches in the community! They see the "why" and the eternal significance of the work we will be doing that week. It truly is a capital "C" Church event. And although it is a blessing to have others from the community partnering and helping, we need more help from right within our own church body. This is an opportunity to truly show up and make a difference in the life of a child. If even one kid comes to know Jesus that week- every hour of planning, prepping, organizing, scheduling, setting up, decorating, training, money spent, and time spent pleading for volunteers is worth it to me. All of it. 
     So here it is...the big ask. Our VBS is June 19th through 23rd from 9 AM to Noon. Our biggest need right now is for adult small-group leaders. You do not have to be a teacher or a Biblical scholar to do this. You just need to love Jesus and be willing to have fun with some kids that week. We will do the Bible story teaching for you, and we will help and equip you to wrap up the lesson with some applicable ways to talk to the kids about it. It's not hard or scary- I promise! We also could use some security and people to grill on Friday for the big family lunch on the final day.  I know getting off of work all week is not always an option, so if there is a day or two that you can work, that would still be very appreciated! For the protection of all the kids, we do have safety measures we take for everyone working with children. There is a VBS training meeting to get everyone's safe sanctuary certified/renewed and background checked after church on May 21st at 12:15 PM or June 8th at 6 PM (food is provided!). If you want to join the volunteer team this year, please email me at
     Last, I would like to ask every one of you to commit to praying for the kids and volunteers that will be joining us that week. Kids are going to have fun, relationships will be built, and the Gospel is going to be the heart of all we do. Pray for ears to hear, and hearts to receive what the Lord has for all of us that week. I am counting down the days! 

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